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economic /iknmk/

adj.经济学的; 经济的;为获得收益的; 有利可图的


Economic reasoning shows that the least expensive way for each country is to put a price on carbon emissions.(2017年6月真题)


n.(款子 气力 时间 资本等的)俭约, 减省

In the past 12 months, Nigeria has suffered from a shrinking economy, a sliding currency, and a prolonged fuel shortage.(2016年12月真题)

impact /mpkt/

n.撞击; 打击; 碰撞;v. 将…挤压到一块儿

impact (on/upon sb/sth) 对...的激烈的回忆或宏大的感导

Sleeping with infants in the same room has a negative impact on mothers.(2016年6月真题)

climate /klamt/

n. 天气;凡是的立场或感应; 民俗; 思潮; 方向

The Paris climate agreement finalised in December last year heralded a new era for climate action.(2016年12月真题)


n. 长处, 实惠, 未来的长处 ~to sb对…有利;

v. 使(或人[某事物])受益,

benefit from/by sth:得益

In a competitive work environment, employers are able to use technology to demand more from their employees rather than motivating workers with flexibility that benefits them.(2016年12月真题)

process /pruses/

n.措施; 程序; 进程;

in the process of doing sth在…的过程中

v. 对(原材料 食品等)进行加工; 拔除

"The state's facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its business justification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February,"(2017年6月真题)

financial /fannl/ adj. 财政的; 金融的; 财务的

financial year又作fiscal year:财年

The retail giant said the poor financial performance this year has pushed it to begin implementing $400 million in cost-cutting measures.(2017年6月真题)

resources /rss/

n. 经常使用作复数,资本;必要时可恩赐帮助 支持或慰藉的事物

rich in natural, mineral, agricultural, etc resources 天然的 矿产的 农业的...资本富厚

we must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends.(2016年6月真题)

academic /kdemk/ 书院的,学院的;学术的

Many schools simply don't prioritize academic competitions.(2017年6月真题)

current /krnt/

adj.现行的; 目下产生的; 通用的; 盛行的; 被普通接管的

n.(水 气等的)流, 滚动;电流

currently adv. 眼前,时下

Changing the current energy system requires the systematic training of professionals and skilled labor.(2015年12月真题)

emissions /mn/

n. (光、热、烟、气、分泌物、体液等的)披发, 放射

Fewer than 4% of countries are responsible for more than half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.(2016年12月真题)

tend /tend/

v. 照顾, 看护(或人/某事物)

经常使用短语:tend to/towards sth:朝某偏向

In poor families, meanwhile, children tend to spend their time at home or with extended family.(2017年6月真题)


n.比率; 率;价钱/用度或价钱的权衡;

经常使用短语:at `any rate 无论如何; 不管怎样

Premature death rates resulting from smoking have declined.(2016年12月真题)

potential /ptenl/

adj.或者生计或呈现的; 潜伏的

n. 潜在性;可能性,常和介词for搭配使用

There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers(2016年6月真题)


n.赊购; 赊购轨制;(或人银行帐户中的)取款数额;称誉,欣赏,表彰

经常使用短语:credit for sth 称颂欣赏表彰

Keep in mind, too, that credit cards typically have better liability protection than debit cards.(2015年6月真题)

access /kses/ n. (挨近或加入某地的)教程; (使用某物或挨近或人的)机缘或权力,常和介词to搭配使用


The US government believes that its access to people's iPhones could be used to prevent terrorist attacks.(2017年12月真题)

issue /u/

n. 重要的议题; 争论点; 争端;发出,分发;最后


(the matter, point, etc) at issue 磋商或争议中的(问题 争论点等)

have issues (with sb/sth):与或人有不合,或给与某事、或人有难得

v.将某物发给 供应或分配给或人使用;发出; 颁发; 告示

In their evolution, humans have learned to pay attention to the most urgent issues instead of long-term concerns.(2015年12月真题)

evidence /evdns/

n. 遵循; 凭据; 证词;迹象;踪迹

evidence (to do sth/that...):…的凭据/遵循

(be) in evidence 一目了然的; 明晰的; 显著的

So what you need to know is that there's no evidence whatsoever to back these claims.(2016年6月真题)

behavior /b`hevjr/

n. 行为方式;待人立场;行为;又写作behaviour

Their aim was to determine the relationship between these risk behaviors and mental health issues in teenagers.(2016年12月真题)

advertising /'dvrtaz/

n.广告业; 做广告, 登广告; 广告

Since these services rely on advertising revenue, the more frequently you use them, the more money they make.(2017年12月真题)
