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往日进行时式样:was /were + V-ing示意在往日某一时候或某一段时间内进行或发作的行为。


往日进行时肯定句根本布局=主语+was/were+doing+此外往日进行时否定句根本布局=主语+was/were+not+doing+此外往日进行时通常疑问句根本布局=Was/Were+主语+doing+此外答语:Yes,主语 was/were. 或No,主语 wasn't/weren’t.往日进行时独特疑问句根本布局=独特疑问词+通常疑问句+此外

以下是各式句型的例句:1.We were having supper when the phone rang.我们正在吃晚餐时,电话响了2.This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV.昨日这个时候杰克没看电视。3.He was repairing his bike.他在修缮自行车。4.When/While we were having supper, the light went out.我们正在用饭时,灯熄灭了。5.While we were talking, the teacher came in.当我们正在言语时,教师进来了。6.While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。7.He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.他擦车时,我正在做饭。8.Tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week.汤姆那一周里天天都是六点钟起床。



1.While you were writing letters,I was reading a book.你写信的时刻,我在看书。

2.While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the tele-phone.我们吃早饭的时刻,约翰在打电话。


1.Just as I was leaving the house,the telephone rang.我正要出门,电话铃响了。(用于从句)

2.He broke his leg when he was playing football.他踢足球的时刻把腿伤了。(用于从句)

3.She was reading when he called.他来访时,她正在看书。(用于主句)


1、默示缘故原由。例句:I didn’t hear what you said;I was looking at the picture.我没有闻声你的话,我在看那幅画。

2、对所说的话进行夸大。在小说的对话中,偶然引述动词不消普通昔日时,而用昔日进行时,意在夸大所说的话,口气较重,且更加活泼。例句:A:“Did they catch her?”Mary was asking.“他们捉住她了吗?”只听得玛丽问道。B:”No,she escaped.”Tom told her.“没有,她逃走了。”汤姆通知她。

3、往日进行时还可和when机关鞭长莫及,拥有不测之意。例句:I was walking in the street when someone called me.我正在街上走时遽然有人喊我。

4、暗示与目前究竟类似或将来的料到情形,无意暗示不耐烦等激情。例句:I was going to phone you,but I just didn’t have time.我本想给你打电话的,但即是没无意间。The basketball match was taking place the next day,but it had to be canceled because of the heavy rain.篮球赛原定第二天举办的,但因大雨不能不作废。

5、用来述说起因或用作饰辞。She went to the doctor yesterday. She was having a lot of trouble with her heart.她昨日去看病了。她得了很仓皇的心脏病。

6、与always,constantly等词连用,暗示情绪色采。例句:The girl was always changing her mind.这女孩总是变革目的。

7、暗示手脚的未完成性。畴昔进行时能够暗示手脚的未完成性,即对某事明白的不全部,期望获得更详尽的景况。例句:I was hearing Susan had entered the college.我传闻苏珊上了大学。

8、示意赓续刚才中止的说话,用于日常生活中。例句:As I were telling you,the boy took his stubbornness from his father.正想我刚才通告你的,这小孩的犟性子是他爸爸遗传给他的。As she was telling me,we must depend upon ourselves to make our own way as best we can.正如她所通告我的,我们必须仰赖自个全心全意走自个的路。

9、体现含蓄口气,只限于want,hope,wonder等动词,用以提议要求。例句:I was wondering if you could help me.我想知道你是否不妨帮助我。

10、透露表现对照。例句: He was not sitting idle,he was making preparations.他没有枯坐着,他在做准备。While the children were playing in the shade,their parents were working in the scorching sun.孩子们在树荫下游玩,而他们的爸妈却在骄阳下劳作。
