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说的英语翻译有say,speak和talk等。短语:say goodbye,说再会。speak German,讲德语。例句:You always twist everything I say. 你老是污蔑我说的每一句话。

1.say 英 [se] 美 [se]vt. 讲;阐述;比如;宣称;倘若;指明vi. 讲;示意;念;假定;背诵


say to oneself 内心想;喃喃自语

that is to say 即是;即;换言之

say goodbye 说再会;离别


They say they mean you no ill.他们说他们对你没有歹意。

He didn't say he had company.他没说他有主人。

“And if I say no?” she ventured.“那么我要是说不呢?”她摸索说。

You always twist everything I say.你老是污蔑我说的每一句话。

How can you say such a thing?你怎样能说这样的话?

2.speak 英 [spik] 美 [spik]vi. 言语;演讲;证明;叙述vt. 谈话;谈话;报告


speak plausibly 振振有辞

speak German 讲德语 ; 说德语

speak about 谈及 ; 聊及 ; 谈起 ; 道及

speak of 谈到 ; 谈及 ; 更不用说 ; 更不必说


He tried to speak, but for once, his voice had left him.他试图发言,但这一次,他已说不出声。

I rang the hotel and spoke to Louie.我打电话给宾馆,跟路易通了话。

She cried when she spoke of Oliver.她拿起奥利弗时哭了。

He doesn't speak English.他不说英语。

At first, neither man could speak.开始两个人都不能说。

Do you speak any foreign languages?你说某种外语吗?

3.talk 英 [tk] 美 [tk]v. 发言;评论辩论;交心;交涉;(用某种言语)讲;说服;透露奥秘;评论;讲的是;说闲话;供出讯息n. 措辞;交涉;(非正式的)说话;通知;空口说;谰言;话题;发言的式样


talk about 讨论某事

talk to oneself 喃喃自语

talk with 与…扳谈

talk of 讨论,群情;谈到,说到

talk on 赓续谈


He was too distressed to talk.他难过得说不出话来。

I think it's time we had a talk.我认为是我们进行一次发言的时刻了。

A child learns to talk by imitation.小孩子经过借鉴学会讲话。

It's no good trying to talk me out of leaving.想说服我不脱节,没用。

It pleased him to talk to her.和她措辞让他喜悦。

Please go and tell him that we’ll be arriving in the afternoon.你去通知他一声,说我们下战书到。

4.persuade 英 [pswed] 美 [prswed]vt. 说服,挽劝;使或人相信;劝或人做(不做)某事vi. 说服;被说服


I did my damnedest to persuade her.我已经尽心尽力地去说服她了。

I tried to persuade her to see a doctor.我死力劝她去看医生。

I tried to persuade him, but with little or no effect.我试图说服他,但却杯水车薪。
