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超等的英语翻译是super。短语:super monopoly,超等把持。super girl,超等女生;超女。super power,超等大国;超等力量;超能量。



super monopoly 超等把持

super spray 超等喷射

super, modem, pretty and romantic 超等、漂亮、美丽、罗曼蒂克

triple ace 超等飞行员;超等双料王牌飞行员(击落15架敌机的飞行员)


Hypermedia is a hypertext that also includes nontext information, such as graphics ,video, or sound.超等媒体是一种超等文本,它还包括部分非文本新闻,如图形、影象、或声响。

In the world of Hypertext, information is organized in relationship to other information.在超级文本世界里,数据是按相互间的联络来陈列的。

The wolverine is a 2013 American-Australian superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character wolverine.金刚狼2是2013年美澳合拍的以漫威角色金刚狼为主人公的超等英雄片子。

Alpine skiing consists of the downhill,super G,giant slalom,slalom and combined.高山滑雪包罗高山速降,超等大反转展转比赛,小反转展转比赛,大反转展转比赛和高山滑雪羼杂赛。

Boasting one of the finest history departments in the US, Yale has many history professors of superstar status演讲课往往是史乘课的亮点,敢说含有全美最杰出的史乘系之一的耶鲁,有着许多还有超等名星职位的史乘教学。

super是甚么乐趣:n. 管理员;(英国的)警官;(美国的)警长adj. 特级的,特佳的;极端的pref. 示意“上,上方”,“超,超等”,“更大领域的”,“过,太甚”


Mario Kart Super Circuit 马里奥赛车超等巡回赛

super girl 超等女生;超女

super star 超等明星;超等巨星

super power 超等大国;超等力量;超能量

super scholar 学霸

super bronze 超等青铜,高强度青铜

super coner 高速络筒机


The super will be on business next month.督工下个月要出差。

Your suggests are super valuable.你的推荐十分宝贵。

This is a super place for a holiday.在这处所度假真是盖帽儿了。

Winners of each regional will advance to the super regionals.每个区域分支机构的获胜者们将会晋级为超等区域性人物。

We had a super time.我们度过了一段超好的时光。

That's a super idea.那是个超好的思想。
